Jan 20, 2025
Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG] See drop-down menu above to access other catalogs.
Social and Behavioral Sciences (CSOC)
These requirements may be completed at any time.
These courses will not satisfy the Core Skills Requirements. A course may be applied to a Core Distribution Requirement and one or more of the Additional Distribution Requirements. All requirements must be met.
Complete two courses, selected from the following:
ANTH 100 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 101 - Biological Anthropology
ANTH 103 - Introduction to Archaeology
ANTH 110 - Introduction to Folklore
ANTH 111 - Myth and Culture
ANTH 115 - Anthropology of Race, Class and Gender
ANTH 120 - First Nations: Global Indigenous People
ANTH 130 - Monkeys, Apes and Us
ANTH 204 - Global Human Issues
ANTH 206 - Native Cultures of North America
ANTH 208 - The Lives of Women
ANTH 209 - Anthropology of Africa
ANTH 212 - Africa Through Film
ANTH 213 - Anthropology of Latin America
ANTH 215 - Anthropology of the Caribbean
ANTH 216 - Anthropology of the Middle East
ANTH 218 - Anthropology of Childhood
ANTH 222 - Violence, Conflict and Culture
ANTH 224 - Anthropology of Asia
ANTH 226 - African Ethnomedicine
ANTH 230 - Culture, Health and Illness
ANTH 232 - Critical Issues in Global Health
ANTH 307 - Religion and Spirituality in World Cultures
ANTH 309 - Anthropology of Art
ANTH 311 - The Emergence of Cities
ANTH 319 - Contemporary Native Americans
ANTH 324 - Seminar: New England Ethnic and Regional Communities
ANTH 328 - Archaeology of North America
ANTH 331 - Power, Politics and Culture
ANTH 355 - Anthropological Study Tour
ANTH 396 - Special Topics in Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 397 - Special Topics in Biological Anthropology
ANTH 398 - Special Topics in Archaeology
ANTH 399 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANTH 405 - Forensic Anthropology
ANTH 406 - Human Origins: The Fossil Record
ANTH 417 - Seminar: She/He “Two Spirits” Gender Cross-Culturally
ANTH 420 - Culture, Media and the Visual Imagination
COMM 365 - Introduction to Intercultural Communication
CRJU 201 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (beginning Spring 2023)
CRJU 241 - Women and Violence
CRJU 265 - Study Tour in Criminal Justice
CRJU 290 - Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System
CRJU 347 - Restorative and Transformative Justice
CRJU 350 - Behind the Walls: Crime and Justice
CRJU 369 - Gender, Crime and Justice
CRJU 428 - Culture and Crime
ECON 101 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 102 - Principles of Macroeconomics
GEOG 151 - Human Geography
GEOG 171 - Global Inequity
GEOG 282 - European Migrations, Settlement and Borders
GEOG 296 - Field Study Tour in Geography
GEOG 374 - Middle East and North Africa: Islam and Theater of Conflict
GEOG 375 - South Asia: Land of Diversity and Disparity
GEOG 381 - Latin America: Globalization and Cohesion
GEOG 386 - Geography of Canada
GEOG 388 - Africa: People, Resources and Development
INTD 200 - Introduction to Canadian Studies
INTD 233 - Introduction to International Migration Studies
MENA 360 - MENA Study Abroad - All Majors (Speaking Intensive)
PHED 319 - Social Issues in Physical Education and Recreation
POLI 172 - Introduction to American Government
POLI 250 - Research Design and Quantitative Methods in Political Science
POLI 260 - International Relations
POLI 274 - Western Political Thought - Plato to the Present
POLI 275 - Comparative Government
POLI 277 - American Government: State and Local
POLI 279 - Introduction to Public Administration
POLI 280 - Politics and Government of Ireland
POLI 281 - Introduction to Nonprofit Organizations
POLI 285 - Law and the Judicial Process
POLI 330 - Politics of East Asia
PSYC 100 - Introductory Psychology
PSYC 200 - Non-Western Theories of Personality
PSYC 230 - Cultural Psychology
PSYC 245 - Study Tour in Psychology
SCWK 250 - Introduction to Social Welfare
SCWK 270 - Social Work Issues of Diversity and Oppression
SCWK 355 - Study Tour in Social Work
SOCI 102 - Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 103 - Social Problems
SOCI 104 - Global Social Problems
SOCI 204 - Gender, Sexuality and Society
SOCI 211 - Homelessness in U.S. Society
SOCI 214 - Middle Eastern Societies
SOCI 216 - Latin American Societies
SOCI 217 - East Asian Societies: China and Japan
SOCI 219 - Population and Society
SOCI 220 - The Developing World
SOCI 222 - African World Perspectives
SOCI 226 - Food and Society
SOCI 230 - Art and American Society
SOCI 232 - Understanding Japanese Society
SOCI 239 - Unequal Spaces
SOCI 256 - City Neighborhoods: Exploring the Formation of Urban Enclaves
SOCI 315 - Race and Ethnicity in America
SOCI 337 - Environmental Sociology
SOCI 347 - Immigration and Migration: A Sociological Perspective
SOCI 353 - Experiencing World Cities
SOCI 360 - Feminist Theory in Sociology
SOCI 391 - Seminar: Social Data Analysis
SUST 101 - Sustainability Innovation and Leadership
TESL 214 - Language Learning Technology and Intercultural Communication (beginning Spring 2023)
TESL 215 - International Travel Course: TESOL and Multiculturalism