Jan 24, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog
Writing Intensive (CWRT)
These requirements may be completed at any time.
Complete two courses, selected from the following:
AFAM 200 - Introduction to African American Studies
AMST 220 - Introduction to American Studies
AMST 399 - Special Topics in American Studies
ANTH 110 - Introduction to Folklore
ANTH 111 - Myth and Culture
ANTH 212 - Africa Through Film
ANTH 213 - Anthropology of Latin America
ANTH 215 - Anthropology of the Caribbean
ANTH 230 - Culture, Health and Illness
ANTH 307 - Religion and Spirituality in World Cultures
ANTH 333 - Anthropology of Global Migration (beginning Spring 2024)
ANTH 324 - Seminar: New England Ethnic and Regional Communities
ARTH 214 - Global Art History Study Tour
ARTS 215 - Global Studio Art Study Tour I
ARTS 415 - Global Studio Art Study Tour II
COMM 256 - Film History
COMM 258 - Communication Studies Travel Course - All Majors (Writing Intensive)
COMM 261 - Global Cinema (beginning Spring 2021)
COMM 458 - Communication Studies Advanced Travel Course (Writing Intensive)
CRJU 230 - Immigration and Justice
CRJU 241 - Women, Girls and Violence
CRJU 290 - Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System
CRJU 346 - Criminal Procedure
CRJU 247 - Restorative and Transformative Justice
CRJU 350 - Behind the Walls: Crime and Justice
CRJU 369 - Gender, Crime and Justice
DANC 251 - Dance History
ENGL 200 - Personal and Public Writing
ENGL 201 - Technical Writing I
ENGL 202 - Business Communication
ENGL 206 - Sustainability: Reading and Writing the Environment
ENGL 207 - Technical Writing I for English Majors
ENGL 211 - World Literature to 1500
ENGL 214 - The Classical Tradition
ENGL 216 - Early Irish and Celtic Literature
ENGL 221 - Major British Writers to 1800
ENGL 222 - Major British Writers since 1800
ENGL 231 - Major American Writers to 1865
ENGL 232 - Major American Writers since 1865
ENGL 233 - Introduction to the African American Novel
ENGL 235 - Topics in Native American Literature
ENGL 241 - Shakespeare
ENGL 251 - Literary Themes
ENGL 252 - Literary Types
ENGL 253 - Non-Western Literature
ENGL 254 - Literary Interpretation for Elementary Education Majors
ENGL 255 - East Asian Literature in Translation
ENGL 261 - Film Study: Introduction to the Art
ENGL 262 - Film Study: Literature and Film
ENGL 269 - Classic Children’s Literature
ENGL 277 - Topics in Latin American and Caribbean Literary Studies
ENGL 280 - The Journalistic Essay
GEOG 381 - Latin America: Globalization and Cohesion
GEOG 386 - Geography of Canada
HIST 161 - History and Culture of Mexico
INTD 200 - Introduction to Canadian Studies (beginning Fall 2014)
LTAC 201 - Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LTAC 210 - Introduction to Latinx and Caribbean Diaspora Studies
MENA 460 - Seminar on Middle East and North Africa
MUSC 260 - Introduction to Western Classical Music
PHIL 155 - World Philosophy
PHIL 212 - Classical Buddhist and Hindu Philosophy
PHIL 213 - Philosophies of China and Japan
PHIL 222 - Philosophy of Law
PHIL 225 - Philosophy of Art
PHIL 228 - Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 231 - Amoralism, Egoism and Altruism
PHIL 234 - Free Will, Determinism and Responsibility
PHIL 241 - Philosophy of Medicine
PHIL 246 - Existentialism and Literature
PHIL 261 - SEISMIC Problems: Science, Values and Society
PHIL 301 - Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 302 - Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 303 - Modern Philosophy
PHIL 304 - Nihilism and The Crisis of Modernity: 19th Century Philosophy
PHIL 306 - 20th Century Philosophy
PHIL 320 - Topics in Philosophy
PHIL 402 - Epistemology
PHIL 403 - Ethics and Action
PHIL 404 - Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 405 - Metaphysics
PHIL 406 - Applied Ethics (beginning Spring 2023)
POLI 274 - Western Political Thought - Plato to the Present
POLI 285 - Law and the Judicial Process
POLI 330 - Politics of East Asia
POLI 479 - Public Policy (beginning Spring 2023)
READ 201 - Teaching Content Area Literacies in Elementary and Early Childhood Classrooms
SOCI 204 - Gender, Sexuality and Society
SOCI 211 - Homelessness in U.S. Society
SOCI 214 - Middle Eastern Societies
SOCI 219 - Population and Society
SOCI 226 - Food and Society
SOCI 232 - Understanding Japanese Society
SOCI 239 - Unequal Spaces
SOCI 245 - Race and Ethnicity in America
SOCI 256 - City Neighborhoods: Exploring the Formation of Urban Enclaves
SOCI 337 - Environmental Sociology
SOCI 347 - Immigration and Migration: A Sociological Perspective
SOCI 353 - Experiencing World Cities (beginning Spring 2014)
SOCI 360 - Feminist Theory in Sociology
THEA 219 - Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Theatre
WGSS 240 - Critical Perspectives in Women’s and Gender Studies
XXXX199 First Year Seminar and writing intensive XXXX299 Second Year Seminars may also be used.
NOTE: Writing Intensive (CWRT) courses, XXXX 199 First Year Seminars and writing intensive XXXX 299 Second Year Seminars, DO NOT count toward the upper-level Writing Designated in the Major (CWRM) requirement. CWRM is an additional requirement. CWRM courses may not be used to fulfill the CWRT requirement.