Sep 28, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Course Changes Effective Spring 2025


NSCI 531 - The Link Between Dinosaurs and Birds  - Title changed to: Dinosaurs: Evolution, Extinction and Paleobiology. Course description changed to: Dinosaurs are unique in the history of life. They evolved more than 200 million years ago, inhabited every continent and are still around today. This course provides an overview of the work of dinosaurs, from the earliest small dinosaurs to titanosaurs and T. rex to modern birds, and investigates some of the most fascinating questions in dinosaur paleontology: How did dinosaurs get so big? What were they like when they were alive? Why did they suddenly go extinct? Drawing on the American Museum of Natural History’s (AMNH’s) longstanding leadership in the field, including the world’s largest collection of vertebrate fossils, renowned paleontologists Mark Norell and Diego Pol, joined by colleagues from around the world, explain how modern discoveries are made. Through videos and essays, this course takes learners into the field, where fossils are discovered and excavated, and then back to the lab where paleontologists use new technologies and methods to infer how these animals lived. Learners will do their own investigations using real specimens to gain first-hand knowledge of how paleontologists continue to make new discoveries about ancient creatures.


COMM 199 - First Year Seminar  - Core designation changed from Social/Behavioral Science to Humanities

Computer Science

COMP 535 - Graduate Teaching Seminar  - Prerequisite changed to: Matriculation in the Computer Science MS program and consent of the department; formal application required. When offered changed to: Offered periodically.

Counselor Education

CNGC 520 - Group Experience  - Course description changed to: All matriculated MEd counselor education students are required to participate in a confidential, small-group experience provided by the department. This non-graded, 10-hour activity is (P) Pass/(N) No pass basis.

CNMH 568 - Psychopathology  - Prerequisite changed to: CNGC 514 which may be taken concurrently; and matriculation in the MEd in counseling; or consent of instructor.

Exercise Physiology

EPHY 204 - Theory and Practice of Progressive Resistance Training  - Prerequisite changed to: None


PHIL 301 - Ancient Philosophy  - Prerequisite changed to: One 200-level three credit course in philosophy; or consent of instructor.

PHIL 450 - Senior Seminar in Philosophy  - Prerequisite changed to: Senior standing in Philosophy major or Philosophy minor and twelve credits in philosophy; or consent of instructor. Course description changed to: This course will integrate the students’ previous studies in philosophy with their present work, including assignments that allow for reflection on their philosophical progress in the areas of history of philosophy, philosophical problems, and applications of philosophy to other disciplines. Students and philosophy faculty will engage in discussions based on selected readings and research presentations by the faculty in various areas of philosophy.

Physical Education

PHED 506 - Philosophy and Principles of Physical Education  - Title changed to: Philosophy in Physical Education and Sport.  Prerequisite changed to: None. Course description changed to: Students will examine contemporary philosophies in physical education and sport, and the associated assumptions upon which the individual philosophies that guide professional practice are developed.

PHED 508 - Motor Learning  - Prerequisite changed to: None

PHED 515 - Advances in Exercise Circulation  - Prerequisite changed to: EPHY 401; evidence of undergraduate or graduate-level preparation in exercise physiology; or consent of instructor.

PHED 518 - Advances in Exercise Metabolism   - Prerequisite changed to: EPHY 401; evidence of undergraduate or graduate-level preparation in exercise physiology; or consent of instructor.

PHED 519 - Advances in Exercise Prescription   - Prerequisite changed to: EPHY 401; evidence of undergraduate or graduate-level preparation in exercise physiology; or consent of instructor.

PHED 536 - Advances in Personal Training  - Prerequisite changed to: EPHY 401; evidence of undergraduate or graduate-level preparation in exercise physiology; or consent of instructor.

PHED 545 - Physical Conditioning and Training in Sports and Exercise  - Prerequisite changed to: EPHY 401; evidence of undergraduate or graduate-level preparation in exercise physiology; or consent of instructor.

PHED 572 - Psychological Issues in Sport and Physical Activity  - Title changed to: Psychology of Sport and Physical Performance. Course description changed to: Students will examine the psychological factors that influence human behavior in sport contexts. Focus will be on the use of psychological principles and skills to promote optimal performance, experience and satisfaction in sport, as well as the effects of sport participation on psychological development, health and well-being.


PSYC 445 - Cognitive Neuroscience  - Prerequisite changed to: PSYC 201 with a minimum grade of “C”; and PSYC 304 with a minimum grade of “C” or PSYC 320 with a minimum grade of “C”; and PSYC 342; and three of the following: PSYC 310, PSYC 336, PSYC 352, PSYC 370; or consent of instructor. When offered changed to: Offered alternate years.

Secondary Education and Educational Leadership

EDHM 571 - Teaching and Learning in Middle and High Schools  - Prerequisite changed to: None

EDLE 579 - Education of Diverse Populations - Sheltered English Immersion (SEI)  - Course description changed to: This course will focus on the responsibility of educators to create PreK through 12th grade learning environments with a culture and climate that promotes success for diverse learners including English learners. It will enhance educators’ abilities in analyzing various situations through multiple lenses as well as foster educational opportunities for all students including those from linguistically and culturally diverse populations. It will also provide initial licensure candidates with the subject knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to promote instructional programs that meet the needs of all English learners through Sheltered English Immersion (SEI), including language and literacy development strategies that are applicable to core academic content as outlined in the Curriculum Frameworks. The collaborative nature of this course will provide opportunities for students to work with other educators in diverse school settings, learn about issues and programs, and develop plans of action to address issues identified as roadblocks to success of English learners. A field-based component is required. EDLE 579 satisfies Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education requirements for SEI endorsement for Educators.


SOCI 203 - Families and Intimate Relationships , SOCI 204 - Gender, Sexuality and Society , SOCI 205 - Sports in Society , SOCI 206 - Cities and People: Urban Sociology , SOCI 207 - Social Inequality , SOCI 208 - Sociology of Religion SOCI 211 - Homelessness in U.S. Society , SOCI 213 - Family Violence , SOCI 214 - Middle Eastern Societies , SOCI 215 - Sociology of Health and Illness , SOCI 217 - East Asian Societies: China and Japan SOCI 219 - Population and Society SOCI 220 - The Developing World , SOCI 222 - African World Perspectives , SOCI 226 - Food and Society , SOCI 227 - Deviance and Social Control , SOCI 228 - Criminology , SOCI 230 - Art and American Society , SOCI 232 - Understanding Japanese Society SOCI 239 - Unequal Spaces , SOCI 240 - Youth and Social Change , SOCI 255 - Juvenile Delinquency SOCI 256 - City Neighborhoods: Exploring the Formation of Urban Enclaves SOCI 280 - Genocide and Political Violence  - Prerequisite changed to: SOCI 102 or SOCI 103 or SOCI 104 or consent of instructor