Feb 14, 2025
Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG] See drop-down menu above to access other catalogs.
LASP 350 - Gender, Sexuality and Politics in Hispanic Cinema(3 credits) Prerequisite: LASP 200 or consent of instructor This course will explore Hispanic cinema from such directors as the surrealists Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali to the contemporary work of Pedro Almodóvar, Fina Torres and Tomás Gutiérrez Alea. The study of cinematic techniques will be contextualized with reference to Hollywood, independent and European cinema. Close analysis will shed light on such issues as 1) links between the sexual body and the body politic; 2) constructions of “woman” as monster; 3) post-Francoist countercultural critiques of family and society; 4) cinematic violence as riposte to fascist ideologies; 5) cultural spectacles such as the bullfight, religious procession, and saintly relic; 6) surrealism, magical realism, and gender. Spanish majors and minors will read supplementary material in Spanish; final essays may be written in either language. This course fulfills credit toward the Spanish major and minor and the Women’s and Gender Studies minor. Offered every other year.