Jul 08, 2024  
Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 2013-2014 
Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG] See drop-down menu above to access other catalogs.

Course Descriptions

Note: See Catalog Web Addenda at www.bridgew.edu/catalog/addenda as that information supersedes the published version of this catalog.

The course descriptions include all courses that are taught for academic credit at the university. They are arranged in alpha-numerical sequence by course subject code. At present, the majority of the 500-600 level courses are offered in the evening hours. Students should be aware that not all courses are offered in the evening or every semester.

Students who are only able to enroll in classes 4 pm or after should consult the appropriate department chairperson for information about the availability of evening sections of courses required in a specific major, concentration and/or minor. Students are urged to consult “Available Course Sections” under InfoBear at www.bridgew.edu each semester to determine when specific courses are offered.

Click here to view  how to read course descriptions.



Political Science

  • POLI 368 - American Political Thought

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172 or consent of instructor
    This course examines the principal issues and ideas of the American colonial, revolutionary, and founding periods and their influence on, and relevance to, contemporary American politics.

  • POLI 372 - Legislative Process and Procedure

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172
    This course is an examination of the United States Congress. Emphasis is placed on internal structure and operations, congressional rules and procedures, party leadership, committee system and seniority, external influences on Congress, incentives for congressional behavior, and constitutional limitations.

  • POLI 375 - American Political Parties and Interest Groups

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172
    This course is an examination of American political party organizations, political leadership, finance, campaign techniques, the historical development of the American party system, party identification, legal controls over parties, the functions and methods of pressure groups and their interaction with policy makers, the role of surrogate organizations such as the media and political consultants, the significance of political parties and pressure groups for democratic ideology, and the problems of political leadership in a democracy.

  • POLI 376 - Urban Politics

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172 and POLI 277
    This course emphasizes both the formal and informal political institutions and processes in American cities and suburbs, including governmental structures, political parties, interest groups, and service delivery systems. Special attention is given to the multiethnic and multicultural context within which urban politics in the United States takes place.

  • POLI 377 - Canadian-American Political Relations

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 260 or consent of instructor
    The course will specifically examine the Canadian-American political relationship through the review of prominent bilateral security, economic, environmental and jurisdictional issues. Principal emphasis will be placed on analyzing bargaining between Ottawa and Washington over a wide range of select case studies.

  • POLI 379 - Voters, Elections and Campaigns

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172
    This course is an examination of how citizens make electoral decisions, including the decision to participate in elections. The course compares models of voter behavior and probes the influence of such factors as party identification, opinions on issues, ideological orientations, and candidate evaluations; the social and economic context of voting is also examined, as is the importance of elections for policy-making and the functioning of the political system. In addition, the politics of candidate nominations is explored – mass media coverage and opinion polling; the citizen’s involvement in campaign politics; voter attitudes toward parties, candidates, and issues; and the interpretation of electoral outcomes.

  • POLI 380 - Public Opinion and Mass Political Behavior

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172
    This course is an examination of the nature of contemporary public opinion in the United States, the way in which political attitudes and beliefs find expression in electoral behavior and the conditions under which public sentiment is translated into public policy and government action. The goal is to understand political conflict and debate in the U.S. and the ways in which the public influences that debate. Major topics in public opinion include political tolerance and trust, attitudes toward women and minorities, the role of mass media and the impact of political values and ideology on political campaigns and elections.

  • POLI 381 - United States and Latin American Relations

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172 and POLI 260
    This course covers the evolution and current status of the political, economic and strategic relationship between the United States and the Latin American nations. Offered alternate years.

  • POLI 382 - Latin American Government and Politics

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172 and POLI 275
    This course is a survey of the current governing structures and the general political conditions in the major Latin American nations. Offered alternate years.

  • POLI 384 - United States Foreign Policy

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 260 or consent of instructor
    This course is the study of the national interests and policy instruments that have formed and guided the foreign relations of the United States in the post 1945 period. Offered alternate years, spring semester.

  • POLI 385 - Government and Politics in the Middle East

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172 and POLI 275; or consent of instructor
    This course provides an introduction to the structures and processes of Middle Eastern government and politics, focusing on the evolution of contemporary Middle East since the end of World War I and on economic growth, social change, and political development in the region and in specific countries. Offered alternate years, spring semester.

  • POLI 386 - Canadian Politics

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172 and POLI 275; or consent of instructor
    An intensive study of the Canadian political system, with particular emphasis on Canada’s constitutional turmoil, political institutions and electoral behavior. Offered alternate years.

  • POLI 387 - Government and Politics of Africa

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172 and POLI 275; or consent of instructor
    An introduction to the organization and processes of African politics centering on the political evolution of contemporary Africa in general but with specific attention to selected nations as appropriate. Offered alternate years, spring semester.

  • POLI 388 - The Government and Politics of Eastern Europe

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 275
    This course will introduce students to the governmental structures and political processes of Eastern European countries, including Russia. Included in the course will be a study of national goals, policies and relations with other countries, and the ideological framework that make up these societies.

  • POLI 389 - Racial Politics in the United States

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172
    This course explores racial politics in the United States. It examines classic and contemporary scholarship on the following topics: social movements, collective action, voting and turnout, key provisions of the Voting Rights Act, social science perspectives on the Voting Rights Act, the concept of voting rights and democratic theory, the relationships between race, representation and political institutions, party politics and racial reorientation, the magnitude and structure of intolerance and its implications for democracy, and the causes and consequence of political socialization.

  • POLI 390 - Public Finance

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 279 or consent of instructor
    The role of government in a market economy; the role of taxation in a market economy; principles of taxation; problems of budgeting, government expenditure and debt; and economic growth. Offered spring semester.

  • POLI 391 - The American Presidency

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172
    The purpose of the course is to explore the institution of the American presidency. It examines the constitutional prerogatives and organizational structure of the presidency, how presidential power developed historically, presidential selection and the nomination process, and decision-making. In addition, the course explores the relationship between the presidency and other institutions, both political and nonpolitical: the Congress, the bureaucracy, the courts and the media.

  • POLI 392 - Democratic Theory and Democratization

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 275 or consent of instructor
    The course considers the contemporary challenges to democracy in terms of the great issues posed by both democratic theorists and philosophers. These views will be analyzed in terms of the authoritarian, military, religious, ethnic and economic problems faced by countries undergoing democratization.

  • POLI 400 - Special Topics in Political Science

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Nine credits in political science or consent of instructor
    A topic of special interest to faculty and/or students will be explored. May be taken for credit more than once.

  • POLI 455 - Authoritarian Political Systems

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 275 or consent of instructor
    This is a course in authoritarianism as a form of political organization. The goal is to review, explain and understand the following: 1) the political, social, ideological and economic forces that give rise to this extremist form of polity; 2) the various mechanisms through which authoritarian rule manifests itself and is exercised; and 3) the role and influence of key political decision makers in authoritarian states. Offered spring semester.

  • POLI 473 - Globalization and Global Governance

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 260 or consent of instructor
    This course provides a thorough understanding of the nature of globalization, the new and varied forms of social, economic and political interactions it has produced in the world, and the challenge of governing the resulting complex interdependence among subnational, national, regional, international and non-governmental actors.

  • POLI 475 - Senior Seminar in Political Science

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Admission is subject to the consent of the department chairperson and instructor. Students must register prior to the end of the preregistration period
    The undertaking of independent study and a research project presented in oral and written form. Offered either semester. (CWRM)

  • POLI 476 - Women and Politics

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172 or consent of instructor
    Analysis of the role of women in current American politics. The focus is on changing trends in women’s electoral participation, political interest and office seeking over the last several decades, and recent gender differences in political involvement, candidate support, support for women’s issues and support for other public policies.

  • POLI 479 - Public Policy

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 172 and POLI 277
    A systematic study of theory and practice in the making and the execution of public policy including the factors of public demand on the political system; decision-making in the public sector; tools and techniques for implementation and evaluation; and the import for future planning.

  • POLI 485 - Honors Thesis in Political Science

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Open to Commonwealth and Departmental Honors students and consent of the department
    One-hour weekly meetings with the thesis director will culminate in an honors thesis. With the consent of the Departmental Honors Committee and the thesis director, this course may be extended into a second semester for three additional credits depending upon the scope of the project. Whether the final version of the thesis qualifies the student to graduate with Honors will be determined by the Departmental Honors Committee. This course may be taken twice for a maximum of six credits. Offered either semester.

  • POLI 488 - Politics and Development in the Third World

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 260 and POLI 275; or consent of instructor
    A survey of the political dynamics of development in the Third World with special emphasis on the dominant theories of development, current critical issues in the Third World, internal and external forces affecting Third World countries, and the policy directions taken by developing nations. Offered alternate years.

  • POLI 490 - Political Science Studies in Oxford

    (3 credits)
    Study of selected topics in political science including comparative politics. European government and law and legal systems. Open to juniors and seniors only. (This is a special program in England at Oxford University during July. Additional fees are required.)

  • POLI 495 - Administrative Law and Regulation

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 279 or consent of instructor
    The legal and regulatory systems of federal, state and local governments will be analyzed as to their relationship to policy implementation and administration. Emphasis will be placed on charters, ordinances, legislative power, and administrative control in areas such as finance, personnel, labor, land use, licensing and education. Offered alternate years. (Formerly POLI 395)

  • POLI 498 - Internship in Political Science

    (3-15 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the department chairperson; formal application required
    A non-classroom experience intended to complement the academic preparation of a limited number of juniors and seniors majoring in political science. Placements are in areas such as federal, state, city and town governments and private-interest groups. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 15 credits. Offered either semester.

  • POLI 499 - Directed Study in Political Science

    (1-3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the department chairperson; formal application required
    Directed study is open to juniors and seniors who have demonstrated critical and analytical abilities in their studies and who wish to pursue a project independently. This course may be taken twice for a maximum of six credits. Offered either semester.

  • POLI 501 - Foundations of Public Administration

    (3 credits)
    This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the institutional, political, and normative context of public administration. The course will introduce students to the central issues, values and dilemmas facing the contemporary public service professional. By the end of the course, the successful student should have a better appreciation and understanding of the political nature and dynamics of public service in a democratic society. It is to be taken among the first four courses in the program. Introductory/background information in American government or public administration is beneficial to students enrolling in this course. Offered either semester.

  • POLI 502 - Research

    (3 or 6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the department chairperson; formal application required
    Original research undertaken by the graduate student in their field. For details, consult the paragraph titled “Directed or Independent Study” in the “College of Graduate Studies” section of this catalog. This course may be repeated for a maximum of six credits.

  • POLI 503 - Directed Study

    (1-3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the department chairperson; formal application required
    Directed study is designed for the graduate student who desires to study selected topics in a specific field. For details, consult the paragraph titled “Directed or Independent Study” in the “College of Graduate Studies” section of this catalog. This course may be repeated for a maximum of six credits.

  • POLI 504 - Quantitative Skills for Public Administrators

    (1 credit)
    This course provides students with a review of and practice with the basic quantitative skills they will need in order to succeed in quantitative tools-focused courses in public administration, including POLI 510 - Introduction to Research in Public Administration  and in POLI 521 - Public Finance  . All of the skill development will be tied specifically to public administration narratives and examples. The instructor will provide tools for individuals with fears tied to quantitative skill building and will assist individuals with overcoming these barriers through the use of tools, examples and exercises. Students leaving this course should be able to tackle basic quantitative skills in public administration education and practice. This course is graded on a (P) Pass/(N) No Pass basis.

  • POLI 505 - Public Management

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course gives students broad exposure to the job of the public manager including an introduction to the specific management areas. The course emphasizes both traditional and cutting-edge principles of management. The topics include planning for public agencies, organizational structure and development, staffing, training, and motivating employees, leadership development, financing and budgeting for public programs, designing and implementing programs, management decision-making, evaluating and monitoring programs and ethical considerations for public managers.

  • POLI 506 - Public Administration Training Module

    (1 credit)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in the MPA program or consent of MPA program coordinator
    As part of the 15 credit hours of elective courses (nine credits for students selecting a concentration), each MPA student must take three credit hours of PA Training Modules. These modules earn one credit each and are scheduled for either two Saturday sessions during the semester or for weekend “intensive” classes meeting for about 15 hours. Students are expected to put in appropriate out-of-class time and must successfully pass three modules covering a range of topics, including ethics in public service, managerial communication, conflict resolution, diversity in public administration, and information management, technology applications and policy. At least two of the three modules must address elements of information management, technology applications and policy. Modules will be designed to facilitate student efforts to meet this requirement. Graded on a (P) Pass/ (N) No Pass basis.

  • POLI 510 - Introduction to Research in Public Administration

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course is an examination of basic research methods and their use in public administration both from the standpoint of public policy and public management. Topics covered include the scientific method, experimental and quasi-experimental research designs, sampling and methods of data collection such as interviewing and questionnaire construction. The course provides students with practical experience using computer software for data analysis.

  • POLI 511 - Program Evaluation and Policy Analysis

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 510
    The primary objective of this course is to familiarize students with program evaluation theory and practice. It is designed to give students an understanding of the role of evaluation in the policy-making process, an ability to analyze evaluation designs and methods critically, and an ability to collect and analyze data to test the effects of governmental or organizational interventions. Emphasis is placed on both qualitative and quantitative analysis.

  • POLI 513 - Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement in Public Administration

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    Strategic planning and performance measurement guide public administrators in establishing program outcomes, in planning short-term goals, in clarifying long-term expectations and in informing and improving results for citizens and agency stake-holders. Measurement of outcomes requires understanding the relationship between resource inputs, program outputs, and objectively and subjectively measured outcomes. Theories of participation, resources management, sustainable development and research methods guide the decision-making tools presented in this class. This course will focus on mission and vision design, SWOT analysis, strategic planning, budget performance management and performance measurement. This course has a service-learning component.

  • POLI 521 - Public Finance

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course covers the principal aspects of public financial management including accounting, budgeting, capital budgeting, revenue forecasting, risk management, pension management and auditing.

  • POLI 531 - Public Personnel

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501, which may be taken concurrently; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course focuses on selected topics in the study and practice of public personnel administration. It is designed as an in-depth analysis of the literature, problems and directions of public personnel issues. Students will develop an appreciation for the dynamic political environment as it influences human resources managers and the statutory and constitutional restrictions that distinguish public personnel management from its counterpart in the private sector.

  • POLI 532 - Organizational Theory and Behavior for Public and Nonprofit Institutions

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501, which may be taken concurrently; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course focuses on the types and levels of management that must be integrated in the pursuit of public sector excellence. These levels involve the behavior of individuals; pairs of individuals; supervisor/subordinate relationships; client/administrator relationships; and small groups acting under political, legal and ethical constraints. Institutional and psychological factors will be analyzed. Offered fall semester.

  • POLI 533 - Administrative Ethics

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501, which may be taken concurrently; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course will explore the values that shape the thinking of public administrators, and the practice of dealing with moral and ethical issues in the field. The main objectives are 1) to gain familiarity with key issues in public, professional, and administrative ethics, 2) to apply ethical principles to public management and to policy analysis, and 3) to understand the nexus between formal legal and informal normative ethical imperatives.

  • POLI 534 - Public Service Leadership

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501, which may be taken concurrently; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course focuses on the art and science of recognizing and becoming better leaders. Students will explore various theories of leadership and develop a broader understanding of the core characteristics and competencies of excellent public service leaders. The course aims to integrate theory and practice, with a strong emphasis on assisting students in identifying their own leadership strengths and vulnerabilities. The effect of leadership on organizational and process outcomes will be a theme throughout the course, as will leaders as change agents. Peer-evaluation, mutual support, hands-on experience and public service underpin this course.

  • POLI 541 - Legislative-Executive Relations

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course gives students broad exposure to the relationship between legislative and executive branches of government. The course emphasizes the role of the legislature and executive branch agencies in lawmaking and budgetary processes, legislative oversight of bureaucracy, the importance of constituency service and how it impacts government agencies, legislative and bureaucratic behavioral motives and goals, the politics of bureaucratic appointments and how chief executives increase their influence over the administrative state, the influence of lobbies on government, as well as how agencies effectively mobilize constituency groups and advocate their programs.

  • POLI 542 - Administrative Law and Regulation

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course examines that body of constitutional and statutory law that regulates how state and federal administrative agencies implement policies enacted by the legislative and executive branches of government. The course examines issues concerning the delegation of legislative power to administrative agencies; agency rulemaking and adjudication; the Administrative Procedure Act; legislative, executive, and judicial review of administrative agency actions; and issues regarding the citizen’s freedom of access to information and records of administrative agencies. A close examination is given to questions and concerns regarding the democratic legitimacy of administrative agencies, theories of regulation and regulatory policy, and how administrative agencies fit into the constitutional system of government in the United States.

  • POLI 543 - Executive Decision-Making and Leadership in the 21st Century

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course examines the theories, modes of operation and challenges of modern day political leadership and executive decision-making. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing case studies, crisis situations, simulations and personal profiles to develop a comprehensive exploration of the leadership characteristics and decision-making strategies of political and governmental officials in the 21st century.

  • POLI 551 - Managing Economic and Community Development

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course introduces students to the many dimensions of economic development at the local and state level, focusing on aspects of how local governments are engaging themselves in this competitive arena. The course explores the following fundamental questions: Who is involved in local economic development? What policies and programs are being pursued and how are they being implemented? What is the impact of local economic development programs? How does local politics influence economic development actions? In addition, the course covers how the external environments (federal policy and national/regional economic cycles, for example) shape the scope and method of economic development at the local level.

  • POLI 552 - Municipal Organization and Management

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course emphasizes the study and understanding of municipal organization and management in Massachusetts and across the United States. It examines the issues, problems, and opportunities that confront municipal leaders as they strive to deliver quality public services in an efficient and effective manner. The topics in the course will cover the legal and structural aspects of local governments, how managers plan and direct the organization, revenue and expenditure decisions, and how services are delivered. The course will also focus on how the external environment (such as citizens, school boards, and state government) influences the job of the municipal manager. By the end of the course, the successful student should be better prepared to identify and respond to these issues, problems and opportunities in their municipality.

  • POLI 561 - Foundations of Sustainability and Sustainable Development

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501, which may be taken concurrently; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    Sustainable development and sustainability are increasingly important to public administration theory and practice. This course will introduce students to theories of sustainability, provide practical application to policy issues within the field and will teach students to better use planning tools in resources management. Areas of focus include management of natural capital, understanding of systems theories and impacts, management of environmental and human welfare, and conservation history as applied to local global governance and policy-making. Students will be expected to contribute knowledge from their own knowledge base and experiences to enhance the learning environment as service-learning is a component of this course.

  • POLI 571 - Foundations of Civic and Nonprofit Theory and Administration

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501, which may be taken concurrently; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    This course addresses the historical and philosophical roots of what is alternatively called the third, voluntary or nonprofit sector. It also addresses the structure of the sector and current and future trends that influence it. Its purpose is to provide an overview of the issues and trends within the sector in order to lay a strong foundation of knowledge for those who are pursuing a career in nonprofit organizations and/or work in fields that intersect with nonprofit organizations.

  • POLI 572 - Nonprofit Resource Development and Management

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: POLI 501; or consent of instructor and MPA program coordinator
    The purpose of this course is to introduce students to issues and techniques for resource development and management within nonprofit organizations. The course will expand students’ knowledge about the nonprofit sector as well as their fundraising, management and analytical tools. Assignments and discussions, as well as spending time in the community through service-learning projects, will allow students to test knowledge, formulate ideas and strategies, respond to issues and dilemmas and get immediate feedback from classmates and the instructor.

  • POLI 588 - Thesis

    (3 or 6 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the graduate coordinator and the department chairperson; approved thesis proposal is required
    Original research undertaken by the MPA student in the field of public administration. Research undertaken is intended to culminate in a formal thesis. Department standards require the student to work closely with his/her adviser and to phase the work so that the project proposal is carefully designed and approved before the student advances to the next stage. For details, consult the paragraph titled “Thesis” in the “Graduate Academic Policies ” section of this catalog and the paragraph titled “Exit Requirement” under Master of Public Administration in the “Academic Programs ” section of this catalog. This course may be repeated for a maximum of six credits. This course is graded on a (P) Pass/(N) No pass basis.

  • POLI 591 - Capstone Seminar in Public Administration

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Completion of 30 hours of course work
    This course will integrate the various fields of knowledge that the student has acquired over the period of MPA study. Full-time MPA faculty will be responsible for teaching it and the design will not be prescribed; some may choose to teach it as an applied case-study seminar, while others may develop the course thematically, as an in-depth study of a particular area of public administration literature. Offered spring semester.

  • POLI 592 - Special Topics in Public Administration

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Course prerequisite may be specified depending upon the nature of the topic
    Special topics of current relevance in public administration will be offered from time to time. The topic to be addressed will be announced prior to registration. May be taken more than once with the consent of the adviser.

  • POLI 598 - Internship: Public Administration

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in MPA program
    One of the key elements for pre-career students in the Bridgewater State University MPA program is the internship experience. An internship provides an opportunity to apply and test what has been learned in the classroom and allows the student to develop professional skills. The general internship framework is designed to conform to the NASPAA internship guidelines. This course is repeatable for credit.

Political Science: Other Approved Courses

  • POLI 273 - United States and Massachusetts Constitutions

  • POLI 330 - Asian Politics

  • POLI 338 - Honors Tutorial in Political Science

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the political science department
    This course offers special topics in Political Science. Open to Commonwealth and Departmental Honors students.

  • POLI 339 - Honors Tutorial in Political Science

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the political science department
    This course offers special topics in Political Science. Open to Commonwealth and Departmental Honors students.

  • POLI 399 - Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector


  • LAPO 101 - Elementary Portuguese I

    (3 credits)
    An introduction to elementary syntactic, semantic, phonetic and paralinguistic structures is offered. Pertinent everyday cultural concepts are discussed. Relevant comparison and contrast with the native language is treated. Functional communication in the second language in a controlled environment is the principal objective of the course. Note: See the “Departmental Foreign Language Policy” in the “Foreign Languages” section of this catalog. (CGCL; CHUM)

  • LAPO 102 - Elementary Portuguese II

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: LAPO 101; or see the “Departmental Foreign Language Policy” in the “Foreign Languages” section of this catalog
    The further study of elementary syntactic, semantic, phonetic and paralinguistic structures is offered. Pertinent everyday cultural concepts are discussed. Relevant comparison and contrast with the native language is treated. Functional communication in the second language in a controlled environment is the principal objective of the course. (CGCL; CHUM)

  • LAPO 151 - Intermediate Portuguese I

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: LAPO 102
    This course is a review of Portuguese grammar with emphasis given to reading, writing, listening and speaking; systematic laboratory practice; an introduction to Portuguese culture. (CGCL; CHUM)

  • LAPO 152 - Intermediate Portuguese II

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: LAPO 151
    The course continues to review and reinforce previously acquired skills in Portuguese, in a communicative and functional way. More culturally based materials are introduced, focusing on the Portuguese linguistic and cultural heritage. In this student-centered approach, students make presentations and hold discussions in Portuguese. Dialectal variation (e.g., European vs. Brazilian Portuguese) and the various traditions of Portuguese-speaking countries are addressed. (CGCL; CHUM)

  • LAPO 199 - First Year Seminar

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Open to all freshmen with a writing placement score of 3 or above or a SAT score of 500 or above. Students with 24 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived.
    First Year Seminars (FYS) are writing-intensive, topic courses that introduce students to academic thought, discourse and practices. FYS courses prepare and orient students toward productive and fulfilling college careers by actively engaging them in a specific academic area of interest. Students will improve their writing, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while learning to work both collaboratively and independently. These courses will fulfill the First Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one FYS course may be taken for credit. (CFYS)

  • LAPO 252 - Reading in Portuguese

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: LAPO 151 or consent of instructor
    The student is introduced to the reading, analysis and discussion of modern literary and cultural texts from Portuguese-speaking countries. The emphasis is on the development of reading comprehension skills and vocabulary.

  • LAPO 271 - Review of Portuguese Grammar

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: LAPO 252
    This course is a review of the Portuguese language from the point of view of prescriptive grammar. Some consideration to dialectal variation is given as well. The overall objective of the course is to deepen students’ understanding of the syntactic patterns of the language and increase students’ lexicon. This course is conducted in Portuguese.

  • LAPO 272 - Portuguese Composition

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: LAPO 271
    The student develops writing skills utilizing sources from the Portuguese-speaking world. Different writing skills and styles are introduced and practiced. Systematic review of the language is conducted with emphasis on more advanced syntactic patterns. This course is conducted in Portuguese.

  • LAPO 281 - Portuguese Conversation

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: LAPO 271 or consent of instructor
    The students develop speaking skills utilizing media sources from the Portuguese-speaking world. Different topics of current interest are introduced and discussed. Systematic review of the language is conducted with emphasis on more advanced patterns. This course is conducted in Portuguese.

  • LAPO 298 - Second Year Seminar (Speaking Intensive)

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: _ _ _ _199; Open to all sophomores and juniors who have completed ENGL 101, and the speaking skills requirement. Students with 54 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived. Cannot be taken if _ _ _ _ 298 or _ _ _ _ 299 are taken for credit.
    Second Year Seminars (SYS) are speaking-intensive, topic courses that build on the academic skills and habits introduced in the First Year Seminar. SYS courses engage students in a specific academic area of interest and provide them with the opportunity to reinforce, share and interpret knowledge. Students will improve their speaking, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while building the connections between scholarship and action that are required for lifelong learning. These courses will fulfill the Second Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one SYS course may be taken for credit. (CSYS)

  • LAPO 299 - Second Year Seminar (Writing Intensive)

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: _ _ _ _199; Open to all sophomores and juniors who have completed ENGL 101 and ENGL 102. Students with 54 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived. Cannot be taken if _ _ _ _ 298 or _ _ _ _ 299 are taken for credit.
    Second Year Seminars (SYS) are writing-intensive, topic courses that build on the academic skills and habits introduced in the First Year Seminar. SYS courses engage students in a specific academic area of interest and provide them with the opportunity to reinforce, share and interpret knowledge. Students will improve their writing, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while building the connections between scholarship and action that are required for lifelong learning. These courses will fulfill the Second Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one SYS course may be taken for credit. (CSYS)


  • PSYC 100 - Introductory Psychology

    (3 credits)
    This is a survey of the different processes such as perception, sensation, learning and emotion, with a discussion of the underlying physiological processes as well as an introduction to the more complex areas such as personality development, psychopathology, social influences and testing. Methods of investigation and research will be integrated with the above topics. Offered either semester. (CSOC)

  • PSYC 135 - Freshman Honors Colloquium

    (1 credit)
    Prerequisite: Open to Commonwealth Honors students and to others at the discretion of instructor
    Freshman Honors Colloquia allow honors students to explore challenging topics in discussion-based small classes; specific topics vary by semester and instructor. This course may be repeated for credit. Offered fall semester.

  • PSYC 136 - Freshman Honors Colloquium

    (1 credit)
    Prerequisite: Open to Commonwealth Honors students and to others at the discretion of instructor
    Freshman Honors Colloquia allow honors students to explore challenging topics in discussion-based small classes; specific topics vary by semester and instructor. This course may be repeated for credit. Offered spring semester.

  • PSYC 150 - Orientation to the Psychology Major

    (1 credit)
    This course is an introduction to the department, its faculty and courses, with an emphasis on career planning and student development. The students will be introduced to the major fields in psychology with an emphasis on the importance of science and empiricism in understanding psychological phenomena. This course is recommended for anyone considering psychology as a major. All psychology majors must complete this course during their first year as a degree-seeking psychology major. This course is graded on a (P) Pass/(N) No Pass basis.

  • PSYC 199 - First Year Seminar

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Open to all freshmen with a writing placement score of 3 or above or a SAT score of 500 or above or who have completed ENGL 101. Students with 24 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived.
    First Year Seminars (FYS) are writing-intensive, topic courses that introduce students to academic thought, discourse and practices. FYS courses prepare and orient students toward productive and fulfilling college careers by actively engaging them in a specific academic area of interest. Students will improve their writing, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while learning to work both collaboratively and independently. These courses will fulfill the First Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one FYS course may be taken for credit. (CFYS)

  • PSYC 200 - Non-Western Theories of Personality

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    This course examines the conceptual models of personality as they have appeared in non-Western traditions. Differences in focus, emphasis and views of the nature of the self are investigated as they relate to cultural world views such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. (CGCL; CMCL; CSOC)

  • PSYC 201 - Statistics for Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and MATH 100 or higher (except First and Second Year Seminars and MATH 408); or consent of instructor
    Statistics for Psychology is primarily a course that will introduce students to the application of statistics to the research process in psychology. Statistics are used to describe and to critically evaluate information. The two branches of statistics, descriptive and inferential statistics, will be covered in this course. Specific procedures that may be covered include measures of central tendency and variability, visual description of data, z-scores, correlation and linear regression, basic probability, parametric tests such as z-tests, t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVAs), and non-parametric tests such as the chi-square test. (CQUR)

  • PSYC 215 - Service-Learning in Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
    Topics and partnerships with community agencies may vary from semester to semester. However, every semester students will have an opportunity to learn about some topic(s) in psychology, e.g., boys’ development, girls’ development, aging, mental illness, etc., and apply those concepts in work with a community partner. In regular class meetings students will read professional literature on the topic, reflect on that work in writing, discussions, media analyses and in other ways. In additional out-of-class experiences, students will engage in community service of some kind using what they have learned in class to inform the service work. Students will be active learners, and they will be encouraged to reflect on and evaluate the service work that they and their community partners do. The course may be repeated twice for a maximum of nine credits, though only the first three credits will count toward the psychology major.

  • PSYC 224 - Child Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    An investigation of the growth and development of the child from conception to pre-adolescence will include both the influence of heredity and other biological factors as well as the social influences of child-rearing practices, family value systems and peer culture effects. Topics will include the development of verbal ability, conscience and moral judgment, personality and self concept. Current theories and research findings will be discussed in relation to the above topics.

  • PSYC 226 - Adolescent Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    An investigation of the growth and development of the pre-adolescent and adolescent including both physical as well as psychological changes relating to intellectual, moral, emotional, personality and social aspects. Current theories and research findings will be discussed in relation to the above topics.

  • PSYC 227 - Developmental Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    This course offers a survey of the life cycle by means of an integrated approach to understanding developmental processes and the individual. The developmental tasks of infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood are viewed from a life-span perspective, with an emphasis on continuity and change.

  • PSYC 230 - Cross-Cultural Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    This course examines various psychological processes such as self-perception, communication, decision-making, categorization of others, gender perception, aggression, conformity, and helping, from a cross-cultural perspective. Emphasis will be placed on cultural differences in psychological functioning. (CGCL; CMCL; CSOC)

  • PSYC 239 - Psychology of Aging

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    This course examines the sensory, cognitive and social changes resulting from old age, including changes in learning, personality and pathology. Problems of adjustment will be discussed and integrated with research findings in gerontology. (Formerly PSYC 329)

  • PSYC 242 - Biopsychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    This course is an introduction to biopsychology, the scientific study of the biology of behavior. A major component to this course involves a detailed analysis of the brain, including how neurons communicate with one another and the identification and functional significance of major brain structures. In this course, students will learn about a variety of systems including those involved in vision, attention, memory, language and movement. Additional topics include brain damage and neuroplasticity, drug addiction and the biopsychological examination of hunger and sleep. Emphasis will be on psychological correlates of neurophysiological processes. (Formerly PSYC 342)

  • PSYC 269 - Psychology of Criminal Behavior

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    This class covers basic psychological knowledge about the causes of crime and violent crime. Topics include biological causes of crime, family and childrearing causes, social causes, cognitive biases, and psychological and psychiatric issues and the role they play in criminal behavior. Case studies are examined, and basic research is reviewed. (Formerly PSYC 369)

  • PSYC 286 - Sophomore Honors Colloquium

    (1 credit)
    Prerequisite: Open to Commonwealth Honors students and to others at the discretion of instructor
    Sophomore Honors Colloquia allow honors students to explore challenging topics in discussion-based small classes; specific topics vary by semester and instructor. This course may be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Offered fall semester.

  • PSYC 287 - Sophomore Honors Colloquium

    (1 credit)
    Prerequisite: Open to Commonwealth Honors students and to others at the discretion of instructor
    Sophomore Honors Colloquia allow honors students to explore challenging topics in discussion-based small classes; specific topics vary by semester and instructor. This course may be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Offered spring semester.

  • PSYC 298 - Second Year Seminar (Speaking Intensive)

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: _ _ _ _ 199; Open to all sophomores and juniors who have completed ENGL 101, and the speaking skills requirement. Students with 54 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived. Cannot be taken if _ _ _ _ 298 or _ _ _ _ 299 are taken for credit.
    Second Year Seminars (SYS) are speaking-intensive, topic courses that build on the academic skills and habits introduced in the First Year Seminar. SYS courses engage students in a specific academic area of interest and provide them with the opportunity to reinforce, share and interpret knowledge. Students will improve their speaking, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while building the connections between scholarship and action that are required for lifelong learning. These courses will fulfill the Second Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one SYS course may be taken for credit. (CSYS)

  • PSYC 299 - Second Year Seminar (Writing Intensive)

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: _ _ _ _ 199; Open to all sophomores and juniors who have completed ENGL 101 and ENGL 102. Students with 54 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived. Cannot be taken if _ _ _ _ 298 or _ _ _ _ 299 are taken for credit.
    Second Year Seminars (SYS) are writing-intensive, topic courses that build on the academic skills and habits introduced in the First Year Seminar. SYS courses engage students in a specific academic area of interest and provide them with the opportunity to reinforce, share and interpret knowledge. Students will improve their writing, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while building the connections between scholarship and action that are required for lifelong learning. These courses will fulfill the Second Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one SYS course may be taken for credit. (CSYS)

  • PSYC 310 - Social Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    The individual in social situations: attitude formation and change, culture and society, language and communication, leadership and group dynamics, personality characteristics and interpersonal relationships, small group behavior.

  • PSYC 313 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    The course will broadly cover the major themes represented by the study of industrial and organizational psychology. The first half of the semester will focus on areas such as job analysis, employee selection, training, performance appraisal and motivation. The second half of the semester will focus on employee behavior within an organizational framework.

  • PSYC 320 - Research Methods in Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and PSYC 201; or consent of instructor
    This course will focus on research methods in psychology. Students will learn how to conduct, comprehend and critically evaluate research methods used in a diversity of psychological research including, for example, biopsychology, child psychology, social issues, sensation and perception, and learning and motivation. Students will evaluate how real studies test theories and hypotheses and determine how to resolve the conflicting findings of previous research. Proper psychological experimental design and writing format will be emphasized. (CWRM)

  • PSYC 337 - Cognitive Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and at least nine hours in psychology; or consent of instructor
    The psychology of thinking, including historical and philosophical issues, process models, information theory, cybernetic, general systems and field theory approaches, visual and auditory cognition, psycholinguistics, memory and attention, problem solving and concept formation, with implications for mental retardation and learning disabilities.

  • PSYC 344 - Drugs and Human Behavior

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    An exploration of psychoactive drugs and the way in which they are used in psychology today. Each drug will be studied in terms of the psychological, psychophysiological and behavioral theories of drug effects.

  • PSYC 349 - Perspectives on the Holocaust

    (3 credits) Cross Listed with COMM/INTD 349
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100
    This course introduces students to the study of the Holocaust. It examines the atmosphere and events that allowed the systematic extermination of 11 million non-combatants, including six million Jews. Multidisciplinary in approach, the course draws principally upon psychology and communication studies. Additionally, a variety of social science perspectives are utilized. Recommended for juniors and seniors.

  • PSYC 350 - Special Topics in Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and at least six hours in psychology; or consent of instructor
    Various and special topics of current interest in psychology will be offered from time to time. Topics will be announced prior to registration. May be taken more than once but only three credits will be counted towards the first 33 hours in the psychology major.

  • PSYC 352 - Psychology of Learning

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    The shaping of behavior, laboratory conditioning, reinforcement, approach and avoidance of a goal, discrimination and generalization of physical cues and animal learning experiments. Experimental approaches to the study of human behavior. (Formerly PSYC 252)

  • PSYC 355 - Behavior Analysis

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    This course systematically presents the principles that are necessary to analyze everyday human behavior. These principles are then applied to the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of behavior problems in education, clinical settings and the workplace. An emphasis is placed on the research methods used to assess the effectiveness of each procedure used to change behavior.


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