Jul 08, 2024  
Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 2013-2014 
Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG] See drop-down menu above to access other catalogs.

Course Descriptions

Note: See Catalog Web Addenda at www.bridgew.edu/catalog/addenda as that information supersedes the published version of this catalog.

The course descriptions include all courses that are taught for academic credit at the university. They are arranged in alpha-numerical sequence by course subject code. At present, the majority of the 500-600 level courses are offered in the evening hours. Students should be aware that not all courses are offered in the evening or every semester.

Students who are only able to enroll in classes 4 pm or after should consult the appropriate department chairperson for information about the availability of evening sections of courses required in a specific major, concentration and/or minor. Students are urged to consult “Available Course Sections” under InfoBear at www.bridgew.edu each semester to determine when specific courses are offered.

Click here to view  how to read course descriptions.




  • PSYC 360 - Psychology of Personality

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    Basic concepts in the field of personality, organized around such topics as motivation, personality structure and dynamics, personality development, assessment and therapy. Problems and styles of adjustments will be considered.

  • PSYC 370 - Abnormal Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    The primary purpose of this course is to define and classify the many different types of abnormal behavior. The genetic, biochemical and environmental causes for each category of behavior are presented. To a lesser degree, the most effective treatments and the degree to which the treatments are successful are evaluated.

  • PSYC 399 - Pre-Honors Psychology Colloquium

    (1 credit)
    Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Honors Program; and a grade of “B” or higher in PSYC 201 and PSYC 320; or consent of instructor
    Students will attend a one-hour weekly meeting designed to prepare them for completing an honors thesis. Outcomes for the course include choosing a research topic, choosing a mentor and developing a research proposal.

  • PSYC 400 - Honors Psychology Colloquium

    (1 credit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 399 or consent of instructor
    Students will attend a one-hour weekly meeting that they will enroll in concurrent with PSYC 485 Honor Thesis for a total of two credits over two semesters. This course is defined to support and monitor students with their thesis progress with the objective of competing an honors thesis. This course may be taken twice for up to two credits.

  • PSYC 410 - Applied Social Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and PSYC 310; or consent of instructor
    This course examines how theories, principles, methods and research findings from social psychology can be applied to the understanding and solution of everyday social problems. Applications to clinical and health psychology as well as issues related to the legal system, education and the environment are examined. (Formerly PSYC 210)

  • PSYC 421 - Psychology of Human Differences

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    The relative contributions of genes and environment to individual and group differences will be examined. Topics will include the description of human variability; gene/environment interactions; the heritability of cognitive abilities, personality, and psychopathology; and sex and age differences. (Formerly PSYC 321)

  • PSYC 426 - Comparative Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    This course will introduce students to the use of evolutionary theory as an organizing mechanism in understanding both human and nonhuman behavior. We will examine behavior in terms of Tinbergen’s four questions of nature: What is the cause of the behavior? How does the behavior develop? What is the function of the behavior? How did the behavior evolve? The course will also analyze the effects of natural selection, learning theory and cultural transmission in shaping the behavior of domestic and wild animal species. The course will culminate with a comprehensive research paper on an animal behavior topic of the student’s choice.

  • PSYC 427 - History of Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and at least nine hours in psychology; or consent of instructor
    This course will cover psychology’s philosophical, scientific and cultural foundations. It has been said that psychology has a brief history but a long past. As such, the course begins with ancient Greek psychological theories and progresses through Hellenism, Romanism, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the start of scientific psychology in the late 1800s, and the subsequent explosion of specialization that lead to modern psychological thinking. Eminent thinkers and intellectural trends will be addressed, as well as the rise of science and its impact on understanding behavior and the mind. (Formerly PSYC 319)

  • PSYC 440 - Sensation and Perception

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and PSYC 242; or consent of instructor
    This course explores the relationship between the nature of the environment and perceptual experience, including the sensory processes. Perceptual processes examined include spatial, pattern, and color perception, as well as our perception of time, depth and the perception of action and events. The relationship between perception, memory, cognition and behavior is investigated, with implications for our understanding of cultural differences, how we perceive personality and emotion and psychotherapeutic change. (Formerly PSYC 340)

  • PSYC 445 - Psychology of Consciousness

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and PSYC 242; or consent of instructor
    Consciousness studies are revolutionizing the ways in which we understand ourselves. The phenomena of consciousness will be examined from a variety of perspectives, incorporating the most recent research from the cognitive and neurosciences to explore the evolutionary and adaptive roles of consciousness. The relevance of this material to the study of personality, emotion, memory, learning, creativity and psychopathology will be addressed. The phenomena associated with altered states, dream cognition, hypnosis, meditation, imagery and visionary states will also be examined. This course will be of interest to clinicians and educators, as well as to anyone interested in discovering more about the nature of the human mind and consciousness. (Formerly PSYC 345)

  • PSYC 460 - Neuropsychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and PSYC 242; or consent of instructor
    This course is an introduction to neuropsychology focusing on the behavioral deficits that arise from brain pathology. This pathology includes diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s as well as other brain-related conditions such as stroke, tumors and head injury. Through this course students will learn about the history of neuropsychology, details of brain anatomy, various neuropsychological assessments, and the examination of behavioral deficits and neuropsychological profiles associated with a variety of brain disorders and/or conditions.

  • PSYC 465 - Health Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or consent of instructor
    This course will review the critical role of behavior in health promotion and disease prevention. Theories and interventions related to health and behavior will be examined. The content of this course crosses the behavioral sciences, social sciences and medical sciences. Students will learn to conceptualize health from biological, psychological and social perspectives. Those who will benefit from this course are students seeking to understand how behavior affects health and what behavioral change strategies can be used to improve health status. (Formerly PSYC 365)

  • PSYC 470 - Clinical Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and PSYC 360 and PSYC 370; or consent of instructor
    Survey of diagnostic and treatment procedures and resources in clinical work with children and adults; professional skills and responsibilities of the clinical psychologist. May be taken for graduate-level credit.

  • PSYC 474 - Forensic Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and PSYC 360 and PSYC 370; or consent of instructor
    A study of basic underlying assumptions of personality theory such as intentionality, nature/nurture and the knowability of man as these issues pertain to motive and bias as they manifest themselves in a judicial system. May be taken for graduate-level credit.

  • PSYC 485 - Honors Thesis I

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Open to Commonwealth and Departmental Honors students with consent of instructor; formal application required
    Two two-hour weekly meetings with the thesis director will culminate in an honors thesis. The honors student will normally enroll in this course during the fall semester of the senior year and complete the course during the spring semester of the senior year, earning a total of six credits. Whether the final version of the thesis qualifies the student to graduate with honors will be determined by the Department Honors Committee.

  • PSYC 490 - Senior Seminar

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and 15 hours in psychology; or consent of instructor
    Topical areas of psychology will be offered to allow seniors an opportunity to engage in an extended writing project and to make individual presentations and critique each other through writing and discussion. Topics will be announced in advance. (CWRM)

  • PSYC 493 - Practicum: Peer Assisted Learning

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or better in courses which the student will serve as a peer educator and consent of department; formal application required
    As part of the practicum, qualified students will complete the Peer Tutor Training Program offered through the Academic Achievement Center, designed to assist students in the development of the knowledge and strategies essential for serving as a peer educator. Students will also be assigned to and attend a designated class in the Department of Psychology throughout the semester. Working under faculty supervision, students will schedule, prepare and conduct study sessions for students outside of class, consistent with recognized practices, and may assume other appropriate responsibilities. Students will work with only one class per semester. This course may be taken up to four times for a maximum of 12 credits, not more than two times in the same course.

  • PSYC 496 - Personnel Practicum

    (3-15 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and consent of the department; formal application required
    Direct application of psychological principles to actual personnel issues and problems in an organization such as business, industry, government, etc. Open only to seniors who wish to gain first-hand experience. Graded on a (P) Pass/(N) No Pass basis. May be taken for graduate-level credit.

  • PSYC 497 - Research

    (1-3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and consent of the department; formal application required
    This course includes an individual or group research project. The course is for students interested in conducting research under the supervision of faculty member or working on a faculty member’s research project. May be taken for a maximum of six credits. No more than six hours of any combination PSYC 497, PSYC 498, or PSYC 499 may be counted toward the first 33 hours in the psychology requirements for a major.

  • PSYC 498 - Clinical Practicum

    (3-15 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 470; consent of the department; formal application required
    This practicum is open to juniors and seniors who wish to have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in applying psychology in a clinical setting. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 15 credits. Graded on (P) Pass/(N) No Pass basis. No more than six hours of any combination PSYC 497, PSYC 498, or PSYC 499 may be counted toward the first 33 hours in the psychology requirements for a major.

  • PSYC 499 - Directed Study in Psychology

    (1-3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 100; consent of the department; formal application required
    Directed study is open to juniors and seniors who have demonstrated critical and analytical abilities in their studies and who wish to pursue a project independently. This course may be taken twice for a maximum of six credits. No more than six hours of any combination PSYC 497, PSYC 498, or PSYC 499 may be counted toward the first 33 hours in the psychology requirements for a major.

  • PSYC 500 - Developmental Human Psychology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in graduate program in psychology or counseling; or consent of instructor
    This course provides a comprehensive foundation for the study of human psychology from a developmental perspective. The scope and current thinking in each of the five cognate areas will be examined, including cognition/perception, neuropsychology, psychopathology, learning and social psychology. Current research theory, application and conceptual structure within each area will be reviewed. Considerable attention will be placed on the interface between theory and practice.

  • PSYC 503 - Directed Study

    (1-3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the department chairperson; formal application required
    Directed study is designed for the graduate student who desires to study selected topics in a specific field. For details, consult the paragraph titled “Directed or Independent Study” in the “College of Graduate Studies” section of this catalog. This course may be repeated for a maximum of six credits.

  • PSYC 504 - Research

    (1-4 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the department chairperson; formal application required
    Original research undertaken by the graduate student in a specific field. Students initially enroll in PSYC 504 for four credits, and subsequently enroll for one credit each term thesis work continues. For details, consult the paragraph entitled “Directed or Independent Study” in the “College of Graduate Studies” section of this catalog.

  • PSYC 505 - Research Methods and Design I

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Admission to MA in psychology program or consent of the department
    This course includes two semesters of integrated statistical procedures and research design skills. Special emphasis will be placed on methodological issues that are likely to confront the graduate in applied settings. In addition to covering traditional statistical and design concepts, special applied research tools such as survey methodology, program evaluation “small-N”designs, non-parametric and multivariate models will be presented. The course will be very closely tied to the use of commonly available statistical packages such as SPSS, BMD, ALICE and STP. The course will reflect a strong experiential component including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

  • PSYC 506 - Research Methods and Design II

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Admission to MA in psychology program or consent of the department
    This course includes two semesters of integrated statistical procedures and research design skills. Special emphasis will be placed on methodological issues that are likely to confront the graduate in applied settings. In addition to covering traditional statistical and design concepts, special applied research tools such as survey methodology, program evaluation “small-N”designs, non-parametric and multivariate models will be presented. The course will be very closely tied to the use of commonly available statistical packages such as SPSS, BMD, ALICE and STP. The course will reflect a strong experiential component including data collection, analysis and interpretation.

  • PSYC 508 - Advanced Seminar

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Admission to MA in psychology program or consent of the department
    Various and special topics of current relevance in psychology, to be dealt with in depth, will be offered from time to time. Topics will be announced before pre-registration. May be taken more than once.

  • PSYC 509 - Foundations of Clinical Practice

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in graduate program in psychology or counseling; or consent of instructor
    This course will prepare the clinician for practicum/internship training by considering the following: 1) historical overview of the profession; 2) multidimensional identity and roles of the mental health professional; 3) practice issues and issues related to federal and state legislation dealing with, for example, duty to warn, confidentiality and mandated reporting: 4) the variety of clinical settings and mental health delivery systems, including principles, theories and techniques of evaluation and management; 5) ethical and legal standards of psychological professional organizations: 6) experimental learning and the use of supervision; 7) report writing and note-keeping for clinicians; 8) self-evaluation.

  • PSYC 511 - Theories of Psychotherapy

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Admission to MA in psychology program or consent of the department
    The major counseling theories are explored in an academic and experiential format. Role-playing and videotaping of the theories are common modalities. A sampling of the theories discussed are Reality Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Rational Emotive Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Client Centered Therapy and the Psychoanalytic Model. (Formerly PSYC 570)

  • PSYC 512 - Evaluation Techniques

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Admission to MA in psychology program or consent of the department
    The course will begin with traditional components of psychological testing, including test construction, test development, test administration and test interpretation. Specific training will be placed on frequently administered clinical tests (e.g., MMPI, WAIS, and WISC). Beyond traditional test theory, students will be exposed to contemporary evaluation devices including behavioral assessment, interview data and naturalistic observation. (Formerly PSYC 573)

  • PSYC 513 - Psychopharmacology for Nonmedical Professionals

    (3 credits)
    This course examines modern drug treatment for mental disorders, including schizophrenia, mania, depression and anxiety. The types of drugs – antipsychotics, antidepressants, antianxiety and sedative-hypnotics – are discussed in conjunction with diagnostic factors, effectiveness, side effects, risk, and biological actions. Psychotherapeutic and ethical concerns are considered.

  • PSYC 516 - Multicultural Counseling

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Admission to MA in psychology program or consent of instructor
    This skill-based course will further develop the students’ working knowledge and basic competency in multicultural counseling theory and application. To this end, the course will focus on the counselor on both a professional and personal level. Additionally, the course will examine salient and population specific issues related to the life experiences of the culturally “different” client and how such experiences impact on the counseling relationship and process. Underlying values and assumptions associated with widely used traditional counseling interventions and their appropriateness with non-mainstream populations will be explored. Traditional and nontraditional culturally consonant counseling approaches will also be discussed.

  • PSYC 517 - Career Information and Placement

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Admission to MA in psychology program or consent of instructor
    This course will review concepts, issues, and trends in the field of career education. It is designed to consider the role of the counselor in the career decision making process, as well as current issues in the facilitation of career decisions for women, men, couples and “minority” persons. Topics will include, but may not be limited to, selected theories of career-life planning and development; techniques designed to bring about greater awareness of needs, values, interests and abilities related to career decision-making; and a range of techniques counselors may choose to facilitate work with clients. Pre-practicum field component included.

  • PSYC 518 - Theory and Process of Group Interaction

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Admission to MA in psychology program or consent of instructor
    An examination of the theories and processes of group dynamics and their relationship to counseling philosophy. Special emphasis will be placed on the synthesis of leadership, membership, and purpose, as well as the evaluation of the appropriateness of various group counseling applications.

  • PSYC 520 - Theories of Development

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 224; and PSYC 360 or equivalent; and consent of instructor
    This course will contrast and compare the major models of development: cognitive-structural, psychoanalytic and behaviorist, with special emphasis on their a priori assumptions and research strategies. Works of Piaget, Werner, Freud, Erikson, Skinner, Spence and others will be examined.

  • PSYC 526 - Childhood Psychopathology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in the MA in Psychology program or consent of instructor
    The nature, etiology, consequences and prevention of the major emotional disorders of children, considered from a developmental viewpoint. Areas include emotional problems of normal children as well as serious psychopathology. Primary emphasis is on psychological factors responsible for deviance. Some attention to organic and constitutional factors.

  • PSYC 541 - Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice I

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in MA program in psychology or onsent of instructor
    This course is designed for graduate students in clinical psychology who are interested in developing effective therapeutic techniques for working with older adolescents and adults. The course will examine psychopathology from a developmental perspective. From this model, various approaches (humanistic, behavioral, cognitive and psychodynamic) to therapy will be applied and evaluated. No preferred treatment modality will be espoused, rather, students will be expected to make use of a combination of techniques and integrate various forms of psychotherapy. Moreover, contextual factors related to diversity will be integrated throughout the course.

  • PSYC 542 - Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice II

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in MA program in psychology or consent of instructor
    This course is designed for graduate students in clinical psychology who are interested in developing effective therapeutic techniques for working with young children and early adolescents. The course will examine child psychopathology from a developmental perspective. From this model, various approaches (humanistic, behavioral, cognitive and psychodynamic) to child therapy will be applied and evaluated. No preferred treatment modality will be espoused, rather students will be expected to make use of a combination of techniques and integrate various forms of psychotherapy. Moreover, contextual factors related to diversity will be integrated throughout the course.

  • PSYC 543 - Marital and Family Therapy

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in MA program in psychology or consent of instructor
    This course is an examination of the treatment strategies for marital and family systems. Attention will be given to: 1) history and development of marital and family therapy, 2) current schools of therapy, 3) strategies of intervention, 4) the role of the therapist in marital and family work, 5) professional standards for marital and family therapy.

  • PSYC 575 - Psychopathology

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in psychology MA program or consent of instructor
    An examination of the classification, symptoms and treatment of the types of psychopathology listed in the DSM III-R or its revisions. Special focus will be given to differential diagnosis issues and intervention strategies.

  • PSYC 580 - Trauma and Loss

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 500 and PSYC 509 and PSYC 511 and PSYC 541; or consent of instructor
    This course explores issues related to human suffering which can halt, derail, alter and challenge the process of personality development. Building upon earlier courses, advanced graduate students will work to integrate how specific developmental challenges impact identity-formation and relate to the process of psychotherapy. A variety of approaches will be used to understand treatment with traumatized or bereaved persons; processes of vicarious traumatization and its prevention are also explored. Psychological understanding of the symptoms and treatment of these issues will be examined through clinical and developmental theory, case summaries and current research. Students will examine how these texts relate to their clinical experiences of trauma and loss in order to further develop professional skills. Offered spring semester.

  • PSYC 591 - Clinical Practicum

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Both the completion of the first year coursework (PSYC 505, PSYC 506, PSYC 509, PSYC 511, PSYC 512, PSYC 575) and the approval of the Psychology Graduate Committee
    The Clinical Practicum will prepare students to work in mental health settings, providing opportunities to observe and assist under supervision. 100 hours required, including a minimum of 40 hours direct service work; 10 hours of individual supervision; and 20 hours of group supervision. One credit each semester: complete in two semesters, 50 hours a semester, working 3.5 hours each week. Two credits: complete in one semester, for 100 hours, working 7 hours each week. May be taken more than once but must total minimum of 100 hours (2 crs).

  • PSYC 592 - Internship

    (3-6 credits)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 591 and matriculation in MA program in psychology; consent of department; formal application required
    The internship will allow students to apply the skills acquired through classroom and practicum work. Students will be placed in mental health settings and will receive extensive supervision. Required 600 hours, including a minimum of 240 hours direct service work, 15 hours of individual supervision, and 30 hours of group supervision. It may not be taken for more than six credit hours in a single semester. Once begun, the internship must be taken in consecutive semesters. May be completed in two semesters (six credits each semester) for 300 hours each semester, working 20 hours each week, or completed in four semesters (three credits each semester) for 150 hours each semester, working 10 hours each week. Must be taken more than once and must total a minimum of 600 hours (12 credits).

Psychology: Other Approved Courses

  • PSYC 211 - Research Methods I

  • PSYC 212 - Research Methods II

  • PSYC 338 - Honors Tutorial

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Open to Commonwealth and Departmental Honors students with PSYC 100 and consent of instructor
    Special topics in psychology. Three hourly meetings weekly.

  • PSYC 339 - Honors Tutorial

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Open to Commonwealth and Departmental Honors students with PSYC 100 and consent of instructor
    Special topics in psychology. Three hourly meetings weekly.


  • READ 503 - Directed Study

    (1-3 credits)
    Directed study is designed for the graduate student who desires to study selected topics in a specific field. For details, consult the paragraph titled “Directed or Independent Study” in the “College of Graduate Studies” section of this catalog. This course may be repeated for a maximum of six credits.

  • READ 540 - Early Childhood Literacy Instruction

    (3 credits)
    Intended as a content area graduate course in reading for the early childhood educator, this course features many instructional practices that promote language, literacy and learning in the young learner. In a review of current research, teachers learn and apply identified “best practices” in listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking. Topics include linguistics, discourse, concepts of print, phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, authentic assessment, shared reading and writing, and guided reading and writing. Through an understanding of theories that support best practices, teachers develop specific strategies for observing and supporting young learners as they become successful, independent, and thoughtful readers and writers. Offered spring and fall semesters, and summer session II.

  • READ 541 - Elementary School Literacy Instruction

    (3 credits)
    Intended as a content area graduate course in reading for the elementary school educator, this course features many instructional practices that promote language, literacy and learning in the developing literate. In a review of current research, teachers learn and apply identified “best practices” in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and producing. Topics include assessment, word analysis, vocabulary, narrative and expository text structures, guided reading and writing, comprehension strategies and study skills. Through an understanding of theories that support best practices, educators develop specific strategies for observing and supporting students as they become successful, independent and thoughtful readers and writers. Offered spring and fall semesters, and summer session II.

  • READ 545 - Global Literacies: Discovering the World in the Elementary Classroom

    (3 credits)
    Master’s candidates who are practicing teachers continue to prepare for their role in the Massachusetts classroom by considering, examining, practicing and planning for effective teaching and learning environments. Through the application of an inquiry -based, cross-curricular approach to literacy instruction, they will discover that the human world can be a central feature of the language arts plan. The course is designed to provide practical approaches, materials and plans for engaging children in the discovery of the nature of the planet earth, the nature of human beings as a species and the nature of global social structures, all in the context of the immediate world in their neighborhood.

  • READ 546 - New Literacies for Internet Comprehension

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: Access to a personal computer/laptop with printer and regular access to Internet connection, browsing capability and e-mail. May not be audited. Please see the Bridgewater State University website for information about Web and Web-based courses.
    This course seeks to qualify educators in preparing youth for the challenges of reading comprehension in an age of online information through research-based instruction and Web inquiry. Leu, Kinzer, Coioro, and Cammack (2004) identify these five skills as asking questions, locating information, critically evaluating information, synthesizing information and communicating information. “New literacies” is the term referred to as these reading comprehension skills require novel strategies on the Internet and take a new literacies theoretical perspective. Educators develop an in-depth understanding of the role of the Internet in literacy development and the impact of the historical connections between literacy, learning, technology and culture.

  • READ 547 - Teaching English Learners to Read and Write

    (3 credits)
    In this course, educators will learn an effective framework regarding the levels of language development in listening, speaking, reading and writing for English learners. Educators will acquire effective strategies for creating conditions that support students’ first languages and in becoming proficiently literate in their first and subsequent languages. Educators will learn to develop culturally and developmentally responsive approaches to teaching English learners to read and write, with specific attention to assessment and instructional planning, the relationship between speech and print, word identification and vocabulary, beginning reading and writing practices and content area reading/writing/technology connections.

  • READ 548 - Case Studies in Dual Language Instruction: Theory and Practice

    (3 credits)
    Population and demographic changes in the United States in recent decades have resulted in a dramatic increase in student populations whose learning needs would be best met in a multilingual learning environment. Classroom teachers in this course prepare for their role in meeting the needs of an increasing population of second and third language pupils in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This course is designed to provide a direct, concrete, case-study learning experience in the lives of at least two families inhabiting such multilingual life worlds. This course is also designed to offer a comprehensive theoretical foundation in the history and conceptual frameworks related to second language instruction in the United States.

  • READ 549 - Reading in the Content Areas

    (3 credits)
    In a workshop format, educators use their own textbooks to develop exercises that aid their students in comprehending expository text. Direct and indirect strategies for teaching vocabulary, reading processes, skill acquisition, study guides and levels of questioning are analyzed and utilized as they apply to different content material. May not be audited. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 550 - Improving Literacy Instruction

    (3 credits)
    Literacy educators are introduced to the subject matter that constitutes effective literacy instruction (all levels). They examine classroom practices that are consistent with the socio-psycho-linguistic theories of learning and develop a knowledge base of literacy instruction that benefits students’ comprehension and expression of a variety of texts. May not be audited. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 551 - Case Studies in Literacy Acquisition and Development

    (3 credits)
    Through case studies, literacy educators develop an understanding of first and second language acquisition and development. Knowledge of sociocultural, psychological, linguistic and cognitive functions that impact reading and writing processes provides the foundation for individual and group instruction and assessment. May not be audited. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork. Offered summer session II and fall semester.

  • READ 552 - Literacy Assessment Principles and Techniques

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: READ 551 and matriculation in the MEd in Reading; or consent of program coordinator
    Literacy educators use observation techniques and formal and informal diagnostic procedures to measure and monitor students’ literacy processes and behaviors. They analyze assessment data and recommend a model of diagnostic instruction that addresses students’ strengths and weaknesses. The resulting report is made available to parents and allied professionals. May not be audited. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork. Offered spring semester and summer session II.

  • READ 553 - Issues in Literacy Education for Social Justice

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: READ 550 and matriculation in the MEd in Reading; or consent of program coordinator
    In a context of rapidly changing demographics, economies and technologies, literacy educators prepare to lead in matters of curriculum and instruction for the 21st century. Through extensive reading, writing, research, discussion and debate, they advance their thinking in a range of complex political and educational issues which impact the local, national and global communities. May not be audited. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork. Offered spring semester and summer session II.

  • READ 554 - Research in Literacy Teaching and Learning

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in the MEd in Reading; or consent of program coordinator
    Literacy educators explore numerous research traditions and methods, including ethnographic, descriptive, correlational, experimental and multivariate. They develop a research project that demonstrates a fundamental understanding of the methodology, data collection procedures and analysis techniques that are central to a range of research, assessment and instructional perspectives and policy work. May not be audited. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork. Offered fall semester and summer session II.

  • READ 555 - Supervision and Administration of Literacy Programs

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: READ 550 and READ 552 and matriculation in the MEd in Reading; or consent of program coordinator
    In order to develop a more literate environment, literacy educators draw on their professional knowledge base and state and national standards to assess a school-wide literacy program, analyze assessment data, develop a literacy plan, and provide a variety of opportunities for professional development and parental support. This firmly establishes them in the role as mentor and coach. May not be audited. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork. Offered fall semester.

  • READ 556 - Literacy Curriculum Development and Implementation

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: READ 555 and matriculation in the MEd in Reading; or consent of program coordinator
    Literacy educators consider current and historical perspectives in examining various curriculum models. This forms the basis for evaluating a local curriculum and examining the research foundations for state frameworks. May not be audited. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork. Offered spring semester.

  • READ 558 - Practicum Experience I for the Reading Specialist

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: READ 550 and READ 551 and READ 552 and READ 553 and READ 554 and READ 555 and READ 556; application approved by adviser, field placement supervisor, program coordinator and dean of College of Education and Allied Studies and evidence of one of the following: (a) an active MA DESE licensure as Reading Specialist or (b) a passing score on the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure® (MTEL) for Reading Specialist (08)
    Literacy educators assume the role of reading specialists and English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum leaders in working with students, teachers and the entire school community in a supervised 200-hour field experience. READ 558 and READ 559 are taken consecutively and considered to be a yearlong supervised 400-hour field experience. Offered spring and fall semesters.

  • READ 559 - Practicum Experience II for the Reading Specialist

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: READ 558 and application approved by adviser, field placement supervisor, program coordinator, dean of College of Education and Allied Studies
    Literacy educators extend and enhance their work as reading specialists and ELA curriculum leaders in working in a supervised 200-hour field experience. In addition to required course work, READ 558 and READ 559 are required in order to receive college endorsement for licensure with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as Reading Specialist (all levels). May not be audited. Includes 200 hours fieldwork. Offered spring and fall semesters.

  • READ 560 - Literacy Research Seminar

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisites: READ 552 and READ 553 and READ 554 and READ 556; and evidence of one of the following: a) an active MA DESE licensure as reading specialist or b) a passing score on the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure® (MTEL) for Reading Specialist (08)
    Literacy educators examine, review, analyze and reflect upon their academic and professional development. They conduct and report on an in-depth, systematic investigation of literacy programs and practices. READ 560 is a yearlong companion course to READ 558 and READ 559. May not be audited.


  • READ 570 - Special Topics in Literacy Education

    (1-4 credits)
    Prerequisite: Course prerequisite may be specified depending on the nature of the topic
    Special topics of current relevance in literacy education will be offered. The topic to be addressed will be announced prior to registration. May not be audited. May be taken more than once.

  • READ 650 - Research in Literacy Curriculum and Instruction

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in CAGS in Reading; course restricted to cohort members
    As consumers of educational research, literacy educators develop a knowledge base of varied research methodologies. As producers of educational research, they select a topic, conduct a review of literature related to their topic, design a research procedure and submit a research proposal for approval. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 651 - Socio-Psycholinguistics and Critical Literacy

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in CAGS in Reading; course restricted to cohort members
    A review of reading instruction in the United States gives literacy educators a historical perspective for understanding the work of researchers, teachers and curriculum developers in responding to rapidly changing materials, media forms and technologies. They examine theoretical processes and models of reading and writing to develop an in-depth understanding of socio-psycholinguistic and critical theories of language, literacy and learning. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 652 - Cultural Foundations of Literacy

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in CAGS in Reading; course restricted to cohort members
    Literacy educators develop a cognitive framework and consciousness for the complexities of the literacy event as it is shaped by social, cultural and political functions of language and literacy learning. They examine models of language processes as heuristic devices for generating theories of linguistic behaviors in our local and global societies. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 653 - Diagnosis, Assessment, and Evaluation of Student Performance and Program Effectiveness

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in CAGS in Reading; course restricted to cohort members
    Literacy educators learn and practice diagnostic, decision-making procedures for informing literacy curriculum and instruction for individuals and groups. The diagnostic process guides the literacy specialist in gathering and integrating background information, previous and current data as well as ancillary information pertinent to more individualized forms of clinical instruction (as needed) and to more effective group practices in the N-12 spectrum. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 654 - Principles and Programs in Professional Development

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in CAGS in Reading; course restricted to cohort members
    Through data-driven supervision and administration of reading and literacy programs, literacy educators examine and reflect upon their roles as professional leaders and agents of change in their schools and communities. Guided by a thorough knowledge of socio-psycholinguistic and critical theories and of the demand for raising professional standards, they cultivate leadership in collegial partnerships and relationships by creating a more literate environment and engaging in more effective learning and teaching practices. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 655 - Case Studies in N-12 Literacy Curriculum and Instruction

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Matriculation in CAGS in Reading; course restricted to cohort members
    Literacy educators engage in N-12 district case studies. They use a variety of techniques to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the existing language arts curriculum. Through related initiatives, they develop a well-documented report of program strengths and needs and make specific standards-based recommendations for the implementation of more effective literacy curriculum, instruction and assessment. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 670 - Seminar for Advanced Studies in Literacy

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Course restricted to cohort members
    Literacy educators develop a foundation for curriculum leadership in language, literacy and learning. They examine and explore educational values and trends and create a vision for literacy education at all levels. Through this process, they identify an area of instructional practice for additional research. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 680 - Research Project in Exemplary Literacy Practice

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of program coordinator; formal application required
    Working with a faculty member from the graduate programs in reading, the candidate for the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) in Reading will refine a research proposal developed in READ 650: Research in Literacy Curriculum and Instruction, conduct a research study, analyze and interpret data gathered from the study, draw conclusions and make recommendations. The CAGS in Reading candidate will refine a website developed in INST 552 Multimedia for Educators, which includes all aspects of this research project, and will present and defend this research project and website at a CAGS Research Project Defense Presentation. This course is graded on a (P)Pass/(N) No Pass basis.

  • READ 681 - CAGS Literacy Practicum

    (6 credits)
    Prerequisite: For those not already holding a MA DESE license as a Reading Specialist: a passing score on the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure® (MTEL) for Reading Specialist (08); and READ 650 and READ 651 and READ 652 and READ 653 and READ 654 and READ 655 and READ 670; and INST 551 or approved course substitution; and an application approved by adviser, field placement supervisor, program coordinator and dean of the College of Education and Allied Studies; course restricted to cohort members
    In this culminating experience, literacy educators provide leadership through the administration and supervision of language and literacy programs. They implement the approved research project proposed in READ 650. The implementation, documentation and resulting multimedia electronic thesis combine evidence of a successful practicum experience. Includes 25 hours of fieldwork.

  • READ 682 - CAGS Literacy Practicum

    (1 credit)
    Prerequisite: Approval of program coordinator; course restricted to cohort members
    This course is required of candidates who have not completed and/or successfully defended their project and electronic thesis in the preceding semester. Such candidates will register for READ 682 each semester thereafter (fall and spring) until the project has been completed. Course is graded on a (P) Pass/(N) No Pass basis.


  • RECR 199 - First Year Seminar

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Open to all freshmen with a writing placement score of 3 or above or a SAT score of 500 or above or who have completed ENGL 101. Students with 24 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived.
    First Year Seminars (FYS) are writing-intensive, topic courses that introduce students to academic thought, discourse and practices. FYS courses prepare and orient students toward productive and fulfilling college careers by actively engaging them in a specific academic area of interest. Students will improve their writing, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while learning to work both collaboratively and independently. These courses will fulfill the First Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one FYS course may be taken for credit. (CFYS)

  • RECR 230 - Introduction to Recreation

    (3 credits)
    The history of recreation from primitive human to the present. Philosophies of recreation, leisure, work and play are presented. Recreation services and career opportunities are discussed. Professional organizations and literature are reviewed. Offered fall semester.

  • RECR 298 - Second Year Seminar (Speaking Intensive)

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: _ _ _ _ 199; Open to all sophomores and juniors who have completed ENGL 101, and the speaking skills requirement. Students with 54 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived. Cannot be taken if _ _ _ _ 298 or _ _ _ _ 299 are taken for credit.
    Second Year Seminars (SYS) are speaking-intensive, topic courses that build on the academic skills and habits introduced in the First Year Seminar. SYS courses engage students in a specific academic area of interest and provide them with the opportunity to reinforce, share and interpret knowledge. Students will improve their speaking, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while building the connections between scholarship and action that are required for lifelong learning. These courses will fulfill the Second Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one SYS course may be taken for credit. (CSYS)

  • RECR 299 - Second Year Seminar (Writing Intensive)

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: _ _ _ _ 199; Open to all sophomores and juniors who have completed ENGL 101 and ENGL 102. Students with 54 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived. Cannot be taken if _ _ _ _ 298 or _ _ _ _ 299 are taken for credit.
    Second Year Seminars (SYS) are writing-intensive, topic courses that build on the academic skills and habits introduced in the First Year Seminar. SYS courses engage students in a specific academic area of interest and provide them with the opportunity to reinforce, share and interpret knowledge. Students will improve their writing, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while building the connections between scholarship and action that are required for lifelong learning. These courses will fulfill the Second Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one SYS course may be taken for credit. (CSYS)

  • RECR 324 - Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities

    (4 credits)
    This course will address etiology, treatment, and functional physical, motor, and behavioral skills of individuals with disabilities. In addition, the course will explore accessible recreational facilities as well as a variety of activity settings, ranging from most restrictive to full inclusion. Special emphasis will be given to individuals with sensory impairments, limited intellectual capacity, neuromuscular disorders, chronic health conditions and unique needs among aging populations. Laboratory experiences will include an exploration of program delivery systems and services. Two hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory weekly.

  • RECR 330 - Theory and Principles of Leisure

    (3 credits)
    A course designed to provide the student an opportunity to explore the impact of leisure on society and the individual. Economic, educational, social and psychological phenomena and the force each has on leisure are examined. Offered alternate years.

  • RECR 331 - Outdoor Recreation Resources

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: RECR 230
    Study of the design, effective use, management and programs of outdoor recreation and conservation areas. Offered alternate years.

  • RECR 332 - Leadership and the Group Process

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: RECR 230 which may be taken concurrently
    This course provides theory and experiences necessary to develop an understanding of leadership, group dynamics and effective group skills. Offered fall semester.

  • RECR 461 - Organization and Administration in Recreation

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: RECR 230
    Organization and administration of recreation at public, private and commercial agencies are examined. Planning, organizing, directing, controlling and evaluating leisure services are included. Offered spring semester. May be taken for graduate-level credit.

  • RECR 462 - Programming for Recreation and Leisure

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: RECR 230
    The opportunity to plan, conduct, evaluate and observe a wide variety of both on-campus and community-based programs and activities. Offered spring semester. May be taken for graduate-level credit.

  • RECR 463 - Current Issues in Recreation and Leisure Service

    (3 credits)
    This course will provide for the study of selected current issues and changing trends in recreation and leisure service. May be taken for graduate-level credit.

  • RECR 475 - Games Leadership Workshop

    (3 credits)
    This workshop is designed for people interested in building relationships through play in games. The games emphasis will move away from the familiar competitive play experience to the non-competitive, supportive and cooperative play experience. Participants will develop a repertoire of games suitable for all ages. Leadership competence will provide participants with the tools to take games to others in schools, business, community groups and the family. Offered alternate years. May be taken for graduate-level credit.

  • RECR 498 - Field Experience in Recreation

    (3-15 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the department; formal application required
    A field experience offers qualified students the opportunity to gain practical experience in their field of study. Placements are made in both public and private agencies and are designed to complement the student’s theoretical study. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 15 credits.

  • RECR 499 - Directed Study in Recreation

    (1-3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Consent of the department; formal application required
    Directed study is open to all juniors and seniors who have demonstrated critical and analytical abilities in their studies and who wish to pursue a project independently. This course may be taken twice for a maximum of six credits. Offered either semester.

Recreation: Other Approved Courses

  • RECR 333 - Camp Leadership and Organized Camping

    (3 credits)
    A study of organized camps and camping programs with particular emphasis on program planning, selection and training of staff and administrative details in organized camping. Offered alternate years.


  • LARU 101 - Elementary Russian I

    (3 credits)
    An introduction to elementary syntactic, semantic, phonetic and paralinguistic structures is offered. Pertinent everyday cultural concepts are discussed. Relevant comparison and contrast with the native language is treated. Functional communication in the second language in a controlled environment is the principal objective of the course. Note: See the “Departmental Foreign Language Policy” in the “Foreign Languages” section of this catalog. (CGCL; CHUM)

  • LARU 102 - Elementary Russian II

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: LARU 101; or see the “Departmental Foreign Language Policy” in the “Foreign Languages” section of this catalog
    The further study of elementary syntactic, semantic, phonetic and paralinguistic structures is offered. Pertinent everyday cultural concepts are discussed. Relevant comparison and contrast with the native language is treated. Functional communication in the second language in a controlled environment is the principal objective of the course. (CGCL; CHUM)

  • LARU 199 - First Year Seminar

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: Open to all freshmen with a writing placement score of 3 or above or a SAT score of 500 or above. Students with 24 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived.
    First Year Seminars (FYS) are writing-intensive, topic courses that introduce students to academic thought, discourse and practices. FYS courses prepare and orient students toward productive and fulfilling college careers by actively engaging them in a specific academic area of interest. Students will improve their writing, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while learning to work both collaboratively and independently. These courses will fulfill the First Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one FYS course may be taken for credit. (CFYS)

  • LARU 298 - Second Year Seminar (Speaking Intensive)

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: _ _ _ _199; Open to all sophomores and juniors who have completed ENGL 101, and the speaking skills requirement. Students with 54 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived. Cannot be taken if _ _ _ _ 298 or _ _ _ _ 299 are taken for credit.
    Second Year Seminars (SYS) are speaking-intensive, topic courses that build on the academic skills and habits introduced in the First Year Seminar. SYS courses engage students in a specific academic area of interest and provide them with the opportunity to reinforce, share and interpret knowledge. Students will improve their speaking, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while building the connections between scholarship and action that are required for lifelong learning. These courses will fulfill the Second Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one SYS course may be taken for credit. (CSYS)

  • LARU 299 - Second Year Seminar (Writing Intensive)

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: _ _ _ _199; Open to all sophomores and juniors who have completed ENGL 101 and ENGL 102. Students with 54 or more transfer credits will have this requirement waived.
    Cannot be taken if _ _ _ _ 298 or _ _ _ _ 299 are taken for credit.

    Second Year Seminars (SYS) are writing-intensive, topic courses that build on the academic skills and habits introduced in the First Year Seminar. SYS courses engage students in a specific academic area of interest and provide them with the opportunity to reinforce, share and interpret knowledge. Students will improve their writing, reading, research and basic information and technology skills while building the connections between scholarship and action that are required for lifelong learning. These courses will fulfill the Second Year Seminar requirement and may fulfill other requirements for the core curriculum. Each course may fulfill different requirements and topics may change each semester. Only one SYS course may be taken for credit. (CSYS)

Russian: Other Approved Courses

  • LARU 151 - Intermediate Russian I

  • LARU 152 - Intermediate Russian II

Science - General

  • GSCI 507 - Topics in Technology/Engineering for the Middle School Teacher

    (3 credits)
    Prerequisite: GSCI 501
    This course presents selected areas of Middle School level (grades 5-8) Technology/Engineering as determined by the requirements of the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework in Science and Technology/Engineering. Possible topics include the design process, impact of technology on nature, future technologies, tools and machines of technology, resources and technology in communication, transportation and power.

  • GSCI 560 - Special Topics in Science Teaching

    (1-3 credits)
    This course uses the content-rich problem-based integrated science approach and covers special topics of current relevance in science education. This course will weave science standards and instructional strategies with the science content. The topic to be addressed will be announced prior to registration. The course may be repeated for different topics.


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