Goal I: Use of geographic techniques and tools
Upon completion of the program in Geography, students will be able to view the world in spatial terms
Upon completion of the program in Geography, students will be able to apply geographic techniques and tools to study geospatial problems, including:
- Review of the literature
- Data acquisition (field observations, Internet databases, interviews)
- Data analysis techniques (statistics, GIS, and qualitative)
- Specialized tools (depends on area of study)
Upon completion of the program in Geography, students will be able to apply geospatial analysis tools in Geographic Information Systems and develop a GIS application, demonstrating:
- Understanding of database management and updating relational databases
- Understanding of spatial analysis tools in GIS
- Ability to interpret results
Goal II: Acquisition of Content Knowledge of the Discipline
Upon completion of the program in Geography, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the essential content elements of Geography including:
- Places and regions
- Physical systems
- Human systems
- Environment and society
Goal III: Applications of Geography to interpret the past, present, or future and communicate results
Upon completion of the program in Geography, students will be able to apply their understanding of content knowledge (outcome #4) and use geographic techniques and tools (outcomes #3) to interpret problems or issues of the past, present or future
Upon completion of the program in Geography, students will be able to communicate results through:
- Written report (research paper)
- Oral or poster presentation