Mar 14, 2025  
Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 2021-2022 
Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG] See drop-down menu above to access other catalogs.

Management Major Learning Outcomes


  • Students will be able to identify and describe various aspects of the business/economic environment from a local, national and global perspective.
  • Students will be able to utilize computer technology and information literacy to effectively and professionally communicate business information, in both oral and written format.
  • Students will be able to apply analytical thinking to solve business problems and utilize quantitative analysis to support and defend their conclusions.


Management and Marketing Department

GOAL 1: Our graduates will identify and describe various aspects of the local, national and global environment of business.

LO 1.1: Students will identify the major forms of business organizations and explain the economic and social roles that businesses play.

LO 1.2: Students will describe the major economic, social and political systems that function around the world and evaluate the influences of those systems on businesses, and to use that information to provide solutions to organizational problems.


GOAL 2: Professional Communication Skills: Drawing upon their competence in computer technology, communication media and information literacy, our graduates will communicate business information effectively and professionally, both orally and in writing.

LO 2.1: Students will apply computer technology and information literacy skills to gather and evaluate data in order to communicate information necessary for decision making.

LO 2.2: Students will communicate relevant information effectively and professionally through business writing.

LO 2.3: Students will communicate relevant information effectively and professionally through oral business presentations.


GOAL 3: Teamwork and Leadership Skills: Our graduates will work effectively within a team environment and exhibit the leadership skills necessary to solve business problems collaboratively.

LO 3.1 Students will be able to analyze the applicability of leadership skills practices in different situations.

LO 3.1: Students will organize and develop themselves into team members who collaborate to identify, analyze and resolve business problems.

LO 3.2: Students will demonstrate leadership skills appropriate to a team-based organizational setting.


GOAL 4: PG4: Critical Analysis and Quantitative Reasoning Skills: Our graduates will apply critical analysis, quantitative reasoning and technology skills to diagnose and solve business problems.

LO 4.1: Students will utilize critical analysis, quantitative reasoning and technology to investigate and diagnose business problems.

LO 4.2: Students will use appropriate models and frameworks to analyze information and follow logical steps to identify possible solutions to a business problem, evaluate each option, and select the one most likely to resolve the problem.

LO 4.3: Students will use critical analysis, quantitative reasoning and communication skills to construct and document arguments which support their solutions to business problems.


GOAL 5: Ethical Decision Making and Social Justice: Our graduates will be able to recognize ethical issues, analyze ethical dilemmas within a business context and make ethically-based decisions with the objective of facilitating social justice.

LO 5.1: Students will identify and analyze ethical issues in order to make ethically-based decisions.

LO 5.2: Students will articulate how ethical decision making can be used to facilitate social justice.


GOAL 6: Essential Business Knowledge and Integrative Application: Our graduates will demonstrate knowledge of the functional areas of business and be able to apply that knowledge to their respective concentrations.

LO 6.1: Students will apply knowledge from the various functional areas of business in an integrative manner to solving problems in their respective concentration(s).


GOAL 7: Content Knowledge: Our graduates will acquire specific and relevant content knowledge in at least one management concentration.